The pictures speak for themselves. Sierra has always been prone to falling asleep in funny places and Gage is just discovering there is a lot to this new world of his.
We are at the halfway point of this deployment. I think this is the hardest time. We have settled into our routines and become used to life with Daddy gone but we still have a long way to go. I am trying to plan lots of fun things for the summer: Panama City Beach, Callaway Gardens, Atlanta trips, Renaissance Fair, Montgomery Zoo and maybe just maybe another Disney trip. Staying busy and doing fun things helps a lot -especially for Sierra. Fall has always been my favorite season and this Fall is going to be the best one of all.
Oxbow Meadows is a local wildlife research and conservation center run by Columbus State University. They held a Reptile Festival today. We had a good time walking around looking at all the reptiles. We even watched part of the Hiss America reptile pagent! Sierra had her picture taken holding a Honduran Milk Snake - brave girl!
We had a lovely Easter. We made it to the big egg hunt at North Highland church. Sierra got a basket full of eggs and some other fun things too like a pin wheel, bubbles, and stuffed toy in the shape of a chicken leg?? The tag on it says "fast food friend." It is really no wonder our country is in the shape it is in - sheesh.
We went out for lunch afterwards, then home. I did some cleaning and when I realized both kids were asleep I managed a 30 minute nap for myself as well.
The PICP met up up at Lakebottom Park this morning. This is by far the nicest park in Columbus. We took a blanket and chair and I packed fresh pineapple and strawberries and bananas to take. Sierra found some friends on the playground and had a great time running around. The Easter Bunny arrived via blaring fire truck and circled the park a few times. The kids, of course, went nuts! We got to take pictures with the Easter Bunny, Sierra participated in the egg hunt and Mr. Gage passed right out on the blanket! It was a beautiful day and we all really enjoyed spending some time outside with friends!
Stephenie and little Eli came over and we dyed eggs. I got the quesadilla maker out and cooked spinach, mushrooms, chicken, and onions and set that out with salsa, guacamole, and cheese and we had a great dinner. Eli slept almost the entire time he was here - wish my kids would sleep like that! Gage was quite interested in Eli and creeped his way over to check him out. It was a really nice evening and I stayed up way too late talking with Steph - but it was much needed!
In lieu of the typical Easter themed sugar fest most classes have, Sierra's class held a Spring Fling dance. The students decorated the class with twinkle lights, flowers, and an aluminum disco ball and they served healthy snacks like bananas, juice, and strawberries. We had a great time - Gage and I danced to many silly songs with Sierra and her class. The kids also showed us some dances they had learned, including how they did the Macarena to the months of the year. I am so happy with her teachers this year and how they consistenly go above and beyond what is expected. Her first dance...Awwww!
This little boy is well on his way to independent mobility. He is never still and wants to go go go all the time! He can snake his way across the room right now but I am guessing it won't be more than a few weeks before he is properly crawling. Then I think I am in a world of trouble!